What is Facebook?

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Facebook is a website that allows users to connect with friends, family, and colleagues. This is done by creating a profile and uploading photos, links, and other information. You can also post status updates and messages to keep in touch with people.

You can search for people on Facebook by e-mail address, school, or just a name. Then, you can view their profiles and decide if they’re worth adding as a friend.

Once you’ve found a few people who you think would be worth adding as friends, you can begin to send them messages and updates. You can also share photos, videos, GIFs, stickers, and links with your friends.

One of the main reasons why Facebook has become so popular is because it makes it easy to connect with others. You can chat with your friends or even video call them.

But there’s a lot more to the world of Facebook than just connecting with people. The company is also a hub for community communications, video streaming, marketplaces, and games.

If you’re wondering how Facebook works, the company describes it as an “algorithmic newsfeed” that displays content based on your preferences and interactions. The algorithm uses your engagement, page likes, posts, and other factors to determine what you might want to see next.

The news feed is a curated list of posts from your friends, family members, public pages you follow, and brands that Facebook thinks you’ll be interested in.

In the past, Facebook used a chronological newsfeed, which displayed your friends’ posts in the order they were shared. This was a great way to keep up with everyone’s lives and catch up with what they were doing. However, this format didn’t last long and changed in September 2011.

Instead of a chronological newsfeed, Facebook now displays posts based on what the company’s algorithm thinks you’ll enjoy most. This means you’ll see more posts from your friends and less from brands you don’t care about.

You can change the way your news feed looks by going to the News Feed preference page and choosing which posts you want to see first. You can also unfollow people and groups you don’t want to see, reconnect with people you unfollowed, discover public pages that match your interests, hide apps from your news feed, and more.

Another feature that Facebook recently added is the ability to hide ads from your News Feed. This option allows you to tell Facebook that you don’t want to see ads from specific topics, such as violent, sensitive, or offensive content.

This is especially useful if you have kids, pets, or are a political activist. It can also be helpful if you are prone to identity theft or have any concerns about the privacy of your information.

There’s an ongoing controversy about the company’s use of personal data to sell ads. The Cambridge Analytica scandal, for example, has exposed the company’s reliance on user data and its inability to adequately protect it from abuse. This has made it increasingly difficult for Facebook to stay profitable and continue connecting people.